I made the second Ozark Puzzle block, also for the retreat. This time it is batik with a black background. I really like how it came out but it sure was hard for me to sew. As I'm getting older, it's getting harder and harder to work with black and I really like how it makes the colors pop.

Today was the day we took my aunt out to lunch. She so looks forward to our day out and we enjoy being with her. I sure hope that if I live to be her age, 89 in September, that I'll be as active and alert as she is. She still lives alone although she does have house cleaning and yard help.
My neighbor brought over a handbag that she had bought at a garage sale a couple of years ago to see if we could take it apart and make a pattern from it since she liked it so much. It turns out that I had the pattern for it. If I remember right, it's called "Mary's Bag". I've probably had that pattern over 12 years. I bought it at the AQS show in Paducah that long ago. I've always wanted to make it up and just never got around to it. Now, it's going to get done. We are going to go shopping for fabric in two weeks and then make them together. She is just getting into quilting and is so excited about it.
This evening about 8:30, Howard got a call that a good friend of his had had a heart attack and was in the hospital. He took off to go see how he is and also to close up his office. He was at work when it happened and he left his computer on and lots of stuff on his desk that needs to be taken care of and put in a safe. He works in a high security area so certain procedures have to be followed. I have no idea what time he will be home but in the meantime, I'll sure be praying for his friend and his wife. I've been through this twice with Howard and I know how scary it is for the wife and family.
Our realtor called this morning and he has had two different people call him from out of state that they are going to be here over the holiday weekend and want to see the house. We live close to a large lake that is very popular for vacations so we get a lot of out of state people here during the holidays and summer. I'm not holding my breath, but maybe one of them is the one. Better go and make sure things are spiffed up and looking good.
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