I did manage to get some sewing done during the past couple of days. The Happy Block theme for June on Block Central is "The Pond", whatever you would find in or around a pond. I just happened to have some scraps of a fabric with turtles on it left from a quilt I made for a grandson about nine years ago. It was just perfect for the center of the block as we really do have turtles in our small pond. Now to just put them in a safe place until the drawing in July.

I'm going to be going to a retreat in August and we always make blocks for a raffle. We will be making four or five different blocks. The retreat leader picks out the pattern for them. This one is Ozark Puzzle and can be found on www.quilterscache.com It's a large block with a lot of pieces but it's real easy to put together. We will be making two of these. Both will use batiks but one with a white background and the other with a black background. I've got the first one made and have the fabric chosen for the second one but it will have to wait for a really good day as these old eyes don't like sewing on black very much.

Around the house has been very interesting the past few days. On Sunday, Howard was bending over to pick up a shirt and heard a pop and couldn't straighten up for a little bit. His back went out. This happens every year or so and usually clears up after three or four days of rest and heat. He's been walking around crooked and spending lots of time laying on top of the electric blanket with it turned on, a giant heating pad. He seems to be a tiny bit better but if he isn't a whole lot better tomorrow I'm going to try to get him to go see the doctor. He keeps telling me that he's fine but I can tell by the look on his face and the way he's walking that he isn't. We are supposed to go to my granddaughter's graduation this weekend and I'm not sure he can take the 4 1/2 hour ride there, sitting through it, and the return ride home. Will have to wait and see how it goes. The seats in his new truck are heated so he could turn his seat on and use it like a heating pad. That just might work.
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