Here's a picture of them outside on the deck in the snow a couple of weeks ago. I know we haven't had snow like most other people have, but it sure was cold that day, about 13 degrees and windy. Jack is a 9 year old Jack Russell Terrier and we've had him for a little over 7 years. He's getting gray on his muzzle and has started slowing down a little. Daphne is a cock-a-poo that we really don't know how old she is. My friend, Virginia, got her when she lived in Savannah, GA about 2 1/2 years ago and the people she got her from thought she was about 5 or 6 years old. So, that would make her about 8 or so. She's getting some gray around her muzzle too so she may be older but she acts younger than Jack. We got her the middle of December when Virginia could no longer take care of her. She is a delight and so cuddly. She and Jack get along well together and that's good.
I went to my attic about noon today and stayed there until about 7:00 pm. I've been working on a project for a quilt retreat in about three weeks using Attic Windows. I think I've got it just about worked out. I made one small wallhanging that has 16 four inch square blocks in it. I used fabrics that were in my "left overs" box. Can't call them scraps if they are large enough to be used for something else. It's just a top at this point but I'll try to get a photo tomorrow in the daylight. I also cut out another set of blocks that will probably be a table topper. It uses floral prints. I hope it turns out like I think it will. I need to get the supply list sent out the first of the week so I'll probably spend tomorrow afternoon in the attic too. Of course, I'll have the NASCAR race on the tv while I sew. Can't miss the race. Go Tony.
I'm going to have to make a racing/NASCAR theme quilt one of these days.
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