So much has happened since my last post that it's hard to know where to start. I guess I'll start with the most obvious, Howard's surgery. About two months ago, he lost the feeling in his left hand and started dropping things. Went to see an orthopedic surgeon who specializes in hands and wrists only. Howard had a very large ganglion cyst on the inside of his wrist that had caused carpal tunnel problems. Based on the nerve conduction tests, carpal tunnel surgery was indicated. So, last Wednesday, he had both the cyst removed and the carpal tunnel procedure. Since it was outpatient, he came home that afternoon. He had complete feeling in his fingers as soon as the local anesthestic wore off. He did look funny with his "foam block" they put on his arm to both protect the incision and to keep his hand elevated to prevent swelling. It was a little awkward getting around with it but it did it's job very well. Yesterday he went to the doctor and the dressing was changed from a large bulky one to an extra large band-aid and he was put in a small wrist splint in place of the foam block. He is doing very well.

I have been part of a Round Robin on the Block Central forum. My small flower block came home yesterday with it's four added borders. I've taken part in Round Robins before but this is absolutely the best finished one I've had. The colors are so perfect for the center and really compliment the flower applique. I won't hesitate a bit to take part in another one with this group. They have done such a good job on everyone's block. Now I have to decide how I'm going to finish this block. Oh, the center is only 4 inches square, the borders are each 2 inches for a finished block size of 20 inches.

Spring is finally here and it's hard to stay inside sorting through "stuff" when I want to be outside. But, it has to be done. The house is listed For Sale and we have had three people look at it and several calls about it during the past couple of weeks. Maybe the real estate market is looking up in this area.
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