In addition to the class sample, I finally got my "Happy Blocks" for March made and just in time. The drawing for this month's winners is tomorrow evening. The theme was "Safari". I think my blocks came out pretty good after all. I made nine in all, two of each one shown here. There will be two winners and they will each get a set like the one in the photo and I made a set to keep for myself. I always make at least one of the month's blocks to keep and someday I'll have enough to make a scrappy happy block quilt. That should be interesting.
Howard saw the doctor this past Monday about a cyst on his wrist that's pressing on the nerve and causing his hand to go numb. He goes for nerve testing next Thursday and then back to the surgeon the next week to get the results and schedule the surgery. As a minimum, he will have the cyst removed but could also have to have the carpal tunnel surgery if the tests indicate nerver damage. It will be outpatient but he will still have to be off work for some time. Technically, he is retired, but he is one of those people that won't quit working until he quits breathing. I'm just praying that all goes well for him.
Now, I've got to spend some time getting all of my "stuff" ready to take to the retreat. I need to make a list so I don't forget anything important.